Use of an “Autovoucher” balance on fuel consumptions

Use of an “Autovoucher” balance on fuel consumptions

Decree-Law no. 92-A/2021


Decree Law 92-A/2021, of November 8, establishes the financial subsidy applicable to consumption at gas stations, using “IVAucher” Program support platform, created by article 505 of Law 75-B/2020 and regulated by Regulatory Decree 2-A/2021.

This financial support, of transitory nature, is justified by the significant increase in fuel prices, particularly in the months of September and October, and by the public interest in sustainable economic and environmental development that impacts citizens and families.

The benefit means that there is the possibility of using an “AUTOvoucher” balance on fuel consumptions, of an amount corresponding to €0.10 per liter, with a monthly limit of 50 liters, on eligible consumptions at gas stations.

When the consumer makes a payment on purchases of goods and services from merchants covered by this program using an eligible means of payment, part of the amount of the payment shall be supported by the available AUTOvoucher benefit.

The part of the amount to be supported according to the previous number corresponds to 100% of the available “AUTOvoucher” benefit at the moment of consumption unless the amount of the available “AUTOvoucher” benefit is not sufficient, in which case it does not exceed this amount.

The use of the benefit operates by refunding the amount to the consumer’s bank account within a maximum of two working days after payment.

According to Order No. 1020-A/2021 the phase of use of the “AUTOvoucher” benefit begins on November 10, 2021 and ends on March 31st, 2022, inclusive.

The same dispatch also adds that the co-payment of the benefit operates in the first monthly consumption, with no minimum payment amount.

Elsa Rodrigues

Elsa Rodrigues

Founding Partner/Lawyer
