Payments on Account 2021
EA BriefFiscalTax
16 December, 2021Order n.º 6564/2021 regulates the exemption of payments on account of Corporate Income Tax for the period beginning on or after 1 January 2021 provided for in article 374 of Law no. 75-B/2021, of 31st December (State Budget for 2021) in the following terms:
- Cooperatives and taxpayers who have obtained, in the 2020 tax period, a turnover up to the maximum limit of the medium-sized company classification, pursuant to article 2 of the annex to Decree-Law 372/2007, of November 6 (€ 50.000.000) may be exempt, without the need for certification by a certified accountant, from both the first and second payments on account and the third payment on account, pursuant to article 107 of the Corporate Income Tax Code;
- If the taxpayer finds that, because of the exemption, and in relation to the periodic tax return for the 2021 period, he has failed to pay more than 20% of the amount that, under normal conditions, would have been paid, he may pay the missing tax, without any burden or charge, until the deadline for the third payment on account, as a rule, December 15.