Interim Report RGPC

Interim Report RGPC

The General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (DL 109-E/2021) imposes an obligation on all companies with head office in Portugal, as well as branches in the national territory of foreign companies with 50 or more employees, to draw up an interim assessment report on the identified situations of high or maximum risk of corruption in their organization every year in October.

Companies must ensure that the report is publicized among employees, through the internet and on their official website, if any, within 10 days of its implementation.

Misdemeanor penalties are provided for failure to adopt these obligations or for their deficient or incomplete adoption. Failure to draw up the Risk Prevention Plan control reports, as well as failure to disclose them to employees, constitute administrative offences that may range from €1,000.00 to €25,000.00. In cases where the offences are negligent, the respective amounts may be reduced by half.

Luís Almeida Carneiro

Luís Almeida Carneiro

