Exceptional and Temporary Measures: Suspension of Time Limits
Civil LawEA Brief
22 March, 2021Decree Law No. 22-A/2021 of 17 March was published, extending some relevant deadlines refereeing to the issuance of documents, and establishing exceptional and temporary measures in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic.
These are the most relevant measures:
i) Citizen card and certificates issued by the registry and civil identification services, documents and visas related to the stay in national territory, as well as the licenses and authorizations, whose validity expired after 27 February 2020, are accepted, under the same terms, until 31 December 2021, and may still be accepted after 31 December 2021, provided that the holder proves that he/she has already scheduled the renewal.
ii) The annual confirmation of the information in the Central Register of the Actual Beneficiary will not be mandatory, regardless of the date of the initial declaration, as long as no fact has occurred that determines the alteration of the information in the RCBE.
iii) General meetings of commercial companies that must be held by legal or statutory requirement may be held until 30 June 2021 and, in the case of cooperatives and associations with more than 100 cooperative members or associates, until 30 September 2021.
iv) Postponement of the last day for employers to approve and publish the holiday maps, to the 15th of May.
It was also extended until the 1st of July of 2021 the obligation for caterers and drinks service providers to adapt to the new rules on the non-use and non-availability of single-use plastic tableware in the catering and/or drinks sector and in retail.
The decree-law came into force on 18 March 2021.